Friday 19 October 2012

Dieting Fundamentals

**Many women grumble about weight loss that it is one of the most distressing and strenuous things to do. Contrary to the popular belief, losing weight is quite an easy task if one is aware of the dieting basics. It s simple – keep a check on calorie intake. The key to weight loss is burning more calories than consuming. Simply put, one should start exercising more and stop eating junk – sugar, red meat, soda, cheese, to name a few.

**Eating fruits and vegetables is a healthy choice, recommended by many dieticians. Indeed it is. But in order to maintain a nutritional balance, the body also requires dairy products and meat which are downright neglected by many women. Yes, cheese, butter and chicken wings add a few more inches to the waistline. However, some dairy and meat products are not only healthy, but also add no extra flab to the body.

**Switch red meats with white meat poultry, fish and egg whites. Fish is an excellent source of protein and omega 3 fatty acids and contains least amount of calories – definitely a better choice than other meats. White meat and egg whites are rich in protein and protect us against cardiovascular diseases. All these are low in fat and sugar, and contain essential nutrients.   

**When cooking, one should stick to grilling and baking rather than frying which adds calories to the food. Cooking in oil, ghee or butter also increases the amount of calorie; hence, one must eat her vegetables and fruits raw or boiled. One should drink vegetable juices whenever possible and avoid fruit juices strictly because fruits are most beneficial when eaten whole.

**Spinach, beetroot, cucumber, gourd (louki), broccoli, cabbage, strawberries, apples, oranges, papaya, pomegranate, watermelon and guavas should be included in the diet. They are all rich in fiber, antioxidants, and minerals and provide adequate nutrients. Dalia is good option for breakfast. A glass of low fat milk and a cup of curd must be included in daily diet.

**Never eat upto the point where the stomach begins to feel full because stuffing isn t the right approach. Get rid of the old routine – breakfast, lunch and dinner and split them in five to six meals a day. As the food portions are reduced, one steers clear of overeating. Saturated fats, Tran’s fats and sugar are the main culprits, try and stay away from them. Switch sugar with honey and fats with protein and water. These two give a feeling of being full and curb appetite.

**Speaking of appetite, don t starve. Eat whenever hunger strikes, just choose a healthy snack over a cheesy one. Body burns more calories when the stomach is full. If it s full with calories, it will burn only the calories in the stomach and if it s full with protein and minerals, it will burn calories that are accumulated in different parts of the body. Exercising is just as important as eating right. Yoga, cardio, weights or even strenuous household chores, anything will do as long as it helps burn calories.

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