Sunday 23 September 2012

The GMC Diet Plan Veg

GM Diet Vegetarian Preparation

To prepare for the vegetarian GM diet plan it is important not to consume alcohol a few days before and during the diet schedule. This is because alcohol increases the body’s uric acid content which in turn leads to water retention and blocks the natural detoxifying processes from taking place.
Drinking up to 10 glasses of water is recommended for GM diet practitioners. Since they will not be consuming as much carbohydrates as they normally do, water would serve as their main source of energy throughout the day. Water also speeds up metabolic processes in the body and through this the unwanted pounds can be eliminated naturally.
To those who have already been through this diet plan, it is advised to take a 2-3 day break away before resuming the method. This is to allow the body to fully adjust to its new nutritional intake system and not get overwhelmed with the sudden change of events.

Schedule for GM Diet Vegetarian

Similar to the typical GM Diet, the vegetarian version of GM diet also requires you to follow a seven-day schedule
  • Day 1. Only fruits. Just like in the regular GM diet, only fruits are allowed to be consumed on the first day. All fruits can be consumed in generous quantities except for bananas, as they are high in carbohydrates and potassium. Water intake should also be observed at 10-12 glasses during the whole day.
  • Day 2. The second day involves potato and vegetables. A cup of baked potato would serve as the body’s main energy source for the day, and then it can be followed up with vegetable dishes during lunch and dinner. Vegetable soup is highly powerful during this day, as it provides all the energy the body would need.
  • Day 3. Fruit and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables may be served the whole day, from breakfast to dinner, including midday snacks. Fruit juice can also be taken aside from water, although no bananas or potatoes are allowed.
  • Day 4. Bananas and milk. Banana and milk combos may be consumed all day, with vegetable soup servings during lunch and dinner. Banana and milk may be taken in the form of shakes, during breakfast and midday snacks.
  • Day 5. Brown rice and tomatoes. Instead of beef, brown rice is used on Day 5. One cup of rice is good to last for the day together with tomatoes in order to induce cleansing.
  • Day 6. Brown rice and vegetables. On this day mixed vegetables may be consumed all day, together with one cup of rice.
  • Day 7. Up to two cups of brown rice may be consumed, together with fruit and vegetable servings.
By the end of Day 7, you should be feeling much lighter and look more glowing. This is because the detoxification effects have already taken place and the body has already shed off at least 2-3 kg or about 10 lbs.


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