Tuesday 21 August 2012

Hair care Tips

  • Eat healthy food that helps the hair in staying strong and shiny. Your diet can also stop hair loss. Poor dietary intake can cause the hair to fall out. Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet to prevent hair breakage. Lean proteins, fruits, raw vegetables, whole grains, legumes, omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon or flaxseed oil and dairy products will keep hair at its healthiest. Drink plenty of water.
  • Use more natural hair care products like shikakai, lemon, coconut oil, vinegar etc. for hair care. Rinse dry hair in lemon juice to get back the lost shine. Mix apple cider vinegar with water to get shiny and bouncy hair. Apply honey on your scalp to solve the problem of tangled and frizzy hair. Mix honey in two cups of fresh cream to create an excellent natural hair product for dry hair.
  • Always use a natural and mild shampoo and conditioner that restrain ingredients such as keratin, rosemary, plant proteins and seaweed extract. It is important to wash your hair because shampooing removes dirt, dead skin cells, hair oils, and any hair products you may put into your hair. Use a conditioner after shampooing; it’ll moisturize your hair, give it extra shield, add shine, reduce static, and makes it easier to untangle.
  • Change your beauty treatment around your hair. Use a wide-toothed comb to detangle wet hair instead of brushing it. At all times use brushes or combs with widely spaced bristles or teeth and smooth tips. Sharp tooth combs can damage your hair, cause split ends, and rub your scalp.  Hair is most brittle when it is wet so avoid brushing or combing when it’s wet, or else it will cause breakage. Wait until your hair is entirely dry before brushing it.  Reduce the use of chemicals in your hair, particularly gels, perms, dyes, or bleaches.
  • Dry your hair with minimal heat. This hair care tip is one that everyone should follow because extreme heat will damage most hair. Lessen the frequency or intensity of heat used from blow-dryers, flat irons, and curling irons. Hot air can be injurious to your hair so when using a hair dryer use the cool setting.
  • In a day brush your hair for 3-4 times on a regular basis in order to stimulate your scalp. The stimulation of your scalp is what promotes the natural oils in it to allocate equally and also removes dead scalp tissue. This hair care tip is particularly important to people who suffer from extreme dandruff, regular brushing will help keep dandruff under control. Just remember to do it with a quality hairbrush, specifically one with natural bristles.
  • Get your hair trimmed off every month. Every 30 days, cut about a 1/8 of the ends of your hair off in order to promote its growth and shed dead ends. You will see that this even helps ease your ability to style your hair.

Monday 20 August 2012


Ragi Laddu :

This is a healthy snack for kids which contain ragi , jaggery and nuts all are really good for health.

Friday 10 August 2012

Fat loss tips

Tip 1. Eat Smaller Meals Throughout the Day
Eating 2 or 3 larger meals per day causes the body’s metabolism to stall as it’s forced to process a higher number of calories. Eat 4 to 6 smaller meals each day and limit calories to no more than 300 to 400 at each sitting. Eat sensibly and avoid heavily processed foods in favor of natural choices including plenty of raw vegetables. Most important, never eat after 7 PM to allow complete digestion of your last meal before going to sleep
Tip 2. Develop an Exercise Routine
To be successful in any weight loss plan, it’s essential to incorporate an exercise regimen. It doesn’t need to be strenuous, but must be done regularly on most days of the week. Use a combination of strength training and cardio to make it fun, and be sure to train for 20 to 30 minutes each session.
Tip 3. Eat at Home – Dine Out on Special Occasions
Most dieters have no concept of the excess calories they eat when dining out. Most restaurant meals include twice the number of calories as a home cooked meal. For weight loss to be successful, you must be able to control the healthy ingredients and quantity.
Tip 4. Drink Green Tea
Studies confirm that drinking tea, especially the less processed green tea boosts metabolism when you’re resting and specifically targets the release of stored fat. Brew the tea yourself to avoid the sugar added to prepackaged teas.
Tip 5. Eat oats daily
Eating oats as part of breakfast or dinner will be a good idea. Oats plays very good role in burning fat.
Tip 6.Eat more veggies and fruits
Eat low calorie vegetables like:
cabbage ,lettuce ,broccoli, carrots ,keera .
Fruits like:
Watermelon ,cantaloupe ,oranges ,apples ,berries .
Avoid bananas ,potatoes.